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B2B buyers do their homework, survey shows

B2B buyers do their homework before making an online purchase. But once they do commit, B2B buyers are placing more frequent orders online, according to results from a new survey of 150 buyers from Digital Commerce 360 and Forrester Research.

Click, shop, repeat: B2B buyers embrace digital purchases with gusto

Just over 50% of B2B buyers make a digital purchase of a good or service for their organization daily, the survey found. That includes nearly one-third, 32%, who make a business purchase at least several times per day. In comparison, 23% of survey respondents make weekly purchases. Meanwhile, 17% do so every 30 days.

B2B buyers also do their homework before ordering online. For example, 57% of B2B buyers list a manufacturer’s ecommerce site as their first choice, compared with consumer site (45%), Amazon Business (43%), search engine (40%) and distributor ecommerce site (33%).

Getting a better online user experience from sellers that makes their jobs easier and more efficient to perform is a big top-of-mind topic with buyers today. And so far, buyers are content with the digital customer experience sellers are dishing up. The survey of 150 buyers finds that 36% of buyers graded their experience as an A when asked: Thinking about your last few purchases you made online for business, how would you grade the overall experiences when researching and buying from these B2B sites?

Matt Love contributed to this article.

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